Communications orales


  • LADREYT H, DURAND B, GARROS C, BALDET T, HABCHI-HANRIOT N, DUPRAZ M, CHEVALIER V, 2022. Risk of diffusion of Japanese encephalitis virus following its introduction in Reunion Island. Geneva One Health Forum, Geneve, Suisse, 3-5 May 2022.
  • BOUYER J, 2022. New developments in the use of the Sterile Insect Technique against Aedes albopictus in Europe. 5th Aedes albopictus International Workshop, Montpellier, France, 11-13 May 2022.
  • LUTRAT C, PROVETI OLMO R, BALDET T, BOUYER J, MAROIS E, 2022. Fluorescent Genetic Sexing Strains for Genetic Control of Aedes albopictus. 5th Aedes albopictus International Workshop, Montpellier, France, 11-13 May 2022.
  • MARTI R, CASTETS M, DEMARCHI M, CATRY T, BESNARD G, CHOUIN S, CLÉMENT C, ESTEVE-MOUSSION I, ETIENNE M, FOUSSADIER R, HABCHI-HANRIOT N, JOUANTHOUA F, L'AMBERT G, GODAL A, TRAN A, 2022. ARBOCARTO: An operational spatial modeling tool to predict Aedes albopictus dynamics and the impact of vector control interventions. 5th Aedes albopictus International Workshop, Montpellier, France, 11-13 May 2022.
  • MARTI R, CASTETS M, DEMARCHI M, CATRY T, BESNARD G, CHOUIN S, CLÉMENT C, ESTEVE-MOUSSION I, ETIENNE M, FOUSSADIER R, HABCHI-HANRIOT N, 6. JOUANTHOUA F, L'AMBERT G, GODAL A, TRAN A, 2022. ARBOCARTO: an operational spatial modeling tool to predict the dynamics of Aedes mosquito species from weather and environmental variables. ESA, DLR. Bonn: ESA, 1 p. Living Planet Symposium 2022 (LPS2022), Bonn, Germany, 23 May 2022/27 May 2022.
  • ETHÈVES MA, CHOISIS N, GALLARD V AND CARDINALE E, 2022. Risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica persistence in broiler-chicken flocks on Reunion Island” I3S St Malo, France 20-22 Juin 2022.
  • KASSIE D et al., 2022. Perceptions des femmes enceintes et allaitantes de l'utilisation des antibiotiques et de la résistance aux antibiotiques en milieu urbain à Majunga, Madagascar. Conférence Santé, Mére, Enfants et Paludisme Tananarive, Madagascar, 27-29 Septembre 2022.
  • BOUYER J, LANCELOT R, DUPRAZ M, BALDET T, 2022. Impact of boosted Sterile Insect Technique against Aedes aegypti in Reunion Island: New interventions of vector control and vaccines for human and animal arboviruses. ArboFrance, Paris Santé Campus, 13‐14 October 2022.
  • LUTRAT C, PROVETI OLMO R, BALDET T, BOUYER J, MAROIS E, 2022. Fluorescent Genetic Sexing Strains for Genetic Control of Aedes mosquitoes. ArboFrance: New interventions of vector control and vaccines for human and animal arboviruses, Paris Santé Campus, 13‐14 October 2022.
  • DEMARCHI M, MARTI R, CASTETS M, TRAN A, 2022. ARBOCARTO : Outil de Cartographie prédictive des densités de population des moustique Aedes. Journées scientifiques Vectopole Sud _ ANSES, Agropolis Montpellier, 9-10 Novembre 2022.
  • BOUYER J, LANCELOT R, DUPRAZ M, GOUAGNA LC, ROSSIGNOL M, CHANDRE F, SIMARD F, BALDET T, 2022. Impact de la TIS boostée contre les Aedes à La Réunion. Journées scientifiques Vectopole Sud _ ANSES, Agropolis Montpellier, 9-10 Novembre 2022.
  • LAMY K, TRAN A, PORTAFAIX T, LEROUX MD, BALDET T, 2022. Impact of regional climate change on the mosquito vector Aedes albopictus in a tropical island environment. 7eme edition Colloque Climat et Impacts, Université Paris Saclay, 23-25 Novembre 2022.
  • CATRY T, TRAN A, HOARAU O, PILLOT B, HABCHI-HANRIOT N, TEILLET C, 2022. Predicting tiger mosquito breeding sites through earth observation and statistical analysis. GEOMED 2022, University of California, Irvine, États-Unis, 12 - 14 Octobre 2022.
  • QUELLEC J, PEDARRIEU A, BARTHELEMY J, PIRO-MEGY C, SIMONIN S, SALINAS S ET CETRE-SOSSAH C, 2022. Etude des mécanismes inflammatoires associés à l'infection du système nerveux central humain par le virus de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift (vFVR). Journées Françaises de Virologie, Strasbourg, France, 11-12 April 2022.
  • QUELLEC J, PEDARRIEU A, BARTHELEMY J, PIRO-MEGY C, SIMONIN S, SALINAS S ET CETRE-SOSSAH C, 2022. Investigation of the inflammatory response induced by a Rift Valley fever infection (RVF) with a specific focus on the central nervous system (CNS). AITVM.
  • RAKOTOARISON H A, TANTELY L M, GUIS H, NEPOMICHENE T, RAKOTONIAINA S, GIROD R, RAKOTOMANANA F, TRAN A, 2022. Modélisation de la dynamique de population d’Anopheles vecteurs du paludisme à Madagascar. IXème Congrès International d’Epidémiologie. 18 au 20 août 2022. Québec, Canada.